Eating healthier on a tight budget

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During the past half a century or so, fast food items have invaded the western countries like never before seen or imagined even in our wildest imagination. Now a days, many average Americans and Canadians are finding it much easier to purchase junk food than healthy alternatives. In fact, the cost of purchasing sugary sodas, fatty ready to microwave burgers etc. are a lot cheaper than cooking on our own.

Still, you have ways to eat healthier within your family’s budgetary constraints. Cultivating some vegetables, herbs and fruits in your own yardis a great option to reduce your expenses in summer. The excess of available vegetables and fruits can be preserved for use throughout the rest of the year.


Planning your meals around the food items that are available on sale in grocery stores is another way to reduce expenses. This way, you can make use of the seasonal food materials for better use and reduce your expenses.


The use of credit cards that offer cash back on your purchases is another great way to reduce your expenses. Some of these credit cards give you as much as 3% of your purchase costs as cash back. Membership offers from grocery stores can help you to save your expenses significantly too.


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